
AKW have the most prime and efficient locations for storing and managing your goods.

AKW’s Manchester warehousing facility boasts 500,000 square feet of secure storage space, over two sites in Trafford Park. Whatever the volume, we can provide you a storage solution to meet your specific needs. Whether it's long-term, secure warehousing or a place to store ad-hoc seasonal stock, we can take care of it all. With capacity for storage of 60,000 racked and bulk pallets, we offer flexible, cost-effective warehouse storage solutions tailored to your individual needs.

We offer bulk, racked and contracted warehousing. We’re approved by HMRC for wet and dry bonded warehousing and COMAH (lower tier) storage and provide exceptional levels of care, processes and controls. Our bespoke CCTV system with Thermal imaging and Red Scan laser detection means you can trust us to keep your stock safe and secure, for as long as you need us to.

The quality of your goods is as important to us as it is to you. All items entering or leaving our storage warehouse are treated with the highest levels of care, and promptly unloaded and scanned under a 70,000 square foot canopy, so there’s no exposure to weather conditions.

Our live customer portal allows you to manage your stock levels from anywhere in the world in real time. From product enquiries to tailored reports, we have it covered and at your fingertips.

Our warehousing services include:

  • Bulk, racked & contracted warehousing
  • Wet & dry bonded warehousing
  • COMAH storage
  • Long-term or seasonal storage
  • Tailored solutions to suit your needs


Group Warehousing

Find out more

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Get in touch and one of our experts will be glad to assist you as soon as we can.

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