
David Hathaway Transport Ltd is a professional, reliable haulage company based in Bristol.

David Hathaway Transport operate in several sectors but have gained significant prevalence in the packaging and food distribution industries. From humble beginnings, we have grown into an enviable company, with the guiding principle of excellent customer service.

Our story

Since our establishment in 1976, we have continued to grow and evolve as a haulage company. Starting with collecting bulk coal from South Wales and delivering it to nearby areas, the company developed in 1987 when the coal business was sold, and the focus switched solely to transport.

David Hathaway purchased his first curtain sided vehicle in 1985, initially as a one-off contract to move automotive parts up to the midlands, working for companies including Rover, Jaguar and Land Rover. This quickly grew to providing pallet delivery services to local businesses within the Bristol and Bath.

We continue to be a family-led business, with strong values and work ethic. David remains very active within the company, despite having passed on directorship to his son Matthew. His three sons, Matthew, James and Chris have all worked in the business for over 20 years, continuing David’s legacy.

Matthew is the Managing Director and has worked within the company since leaving school in 1986. He started by driving a class 2 vehicle and has then worked at every level within the company. As Managing Director, he is now responsible for all distribution, warehousing and customer services operations. He has the most thorough knowledge of the company and wider industry. This enables him to be able to converse at all levels with the confidence of someone whose career is also his passion.

James is the Fleet and Warehousing Director. He was trained in vehicle engineering. As such, he is responsible for the company’s considerable fleet of vehicles, trailers and material handling equipment. James also has a passion for warehousing and ensures our offering exceeds customer expectations.

Chris is the Quality Director. Chris has worked throughout the company and has a sound knowledge of the different areas within the business. He is responsible for progressing and maintaining the quality of company’s offering to its customers and staff.

Under the stewardship of the family, David Hathaway Transport has continued to expand and flourish to the point where the company has grown to over 60 vehicles, 100+ trailers and over 120 full time staff.

In May 2019, we joined the Kinaxia Group, with both companies benefiting from each other’s industry knowledge and customer base.

Customer Care

We strive to go above and beyond for our customers.

Main Point of Contact

In order to ensure a high standard of service and consistency, we allocate one member of our Customer Services Team to act as a main point of contact for all communication with the customer.

Customer Services Supervisor

The Customer Services Supervisor is in place to track and correlate any issues that may arise in order to monitor and improve performance.

Customer Review Meetings

We hold monthly Customer Review Meetings and include customers in the process, where applicable.

Monitor Specific KPIs

The main KPI requested is our 'delivery performance on time and in full', which continuously exceeds 97.5%

PODs Electronically Scanned

PODs are electronically scanned, normally within 24 hours and are viewable directly through our website.

24/7 Staff Availability

The senior staff at David Hathaway are personally available 24/7 each day of the year, if required.

Make an enquiry

Get in touch and one of our experts will be glad to assist you as soon as we can.

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