Warehousing Services

David Hathaway offer bespoke and flexible food grade warehousing.

David Hathaway Transport Ltd provides a bespoke and flexible warehousing services to a diverse client base from our two main sites in North Bristol and Swindon. We offer over 190,000 sq ft to provide conveniently located, secure, modern, high bay, multi user warehousing space. We are also able to offer a number of modern onsite office suites available for client use / rental should they require them.

All our warehouses provide ambient temperature operational capacity with pallet racking, dock levelers and container de-stuffing facilities. We can offer both dedicated and shared-user facilities which are controlled with our WMS. All stock is bar coded upon arrival and tracked from receipt through to delivery. We can provide regular stock reports.

Each site has its own dedicated management team. Customers have a key accounts manager available at all times to ensure continuity of care. Our warehouse management system ensures that the total control of products is maintained from receipt through to final delivery. The software provides real time visibility, reporting and traceability of the clients stock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our warehousing services include:

  • Racked, secure storage
  • Short, medium and long-term warehousing
  • Order picking
  • Stock rotation
  • Palletising
  • Packing and reworking
  • Stock control
  • Under cover loading and off-loading facilities
  • Distribution from stock throughout the UK

Group Services

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Group Warehousing

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