
Develop your career in a friendly, professional working environment at FFG.

We pride ourselves on a positive, collaborative working environment that enables our team members to provide the best possible service. We run a loyalty award scheme to celebrate our long-standing employees and reward them for their dedication.

As part of the Kinaxia Logistics Group we can offer positions internally around the UK, providing more opportunities to our employees. We are always keen to hear from enthusiastic, professional individuals interested in working in the transport industry.

We are always looking for professional, proactive individuals to join our team, whether as drivers, in the warehouse or the office. If you'd like to join the team but can't see a suitable vacancy, simply call 0333 987 3121 or email

All applicants should refer to our recruitment privacy policy here.

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An error occurred executing the following query, and page execution has been terminated.

SELECT contentID, linkName, contTitle, shortIntro, mainContent, template, seoURL, picTitle, picFile, c_groupID, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Button Text') AS subButtonText, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Background') AS subBackgroundClass, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Display') AS subNavDisplay, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Size') AS subNavSize, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Colour') AS subNavColour, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Title') AS SubTitle, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Intro') AS SubIntro, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Load Child Content') AS loadChildContent, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Child Content Limit') AS childContentLimit, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Remove Link') AS removeLink, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Document Link') AS documentLink, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Contact Tel') AS contactTel, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Contact Email') AS contactEmail, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'In-Page Icon') AS subIcon, (SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Service Icon') AS serviceIcon, contDocs, contPanels, author, mastersection FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentLive c JOIN tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta ON m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Display In-Page' AND m_value = 'Yes' LEFT JOIN tblKinaxiaNewContentImagesLive i ON i.picID = (SELECT TOP 1 il.picID FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentImagesLive il WHERE il.picContentID = c.contentID AND il.status = 'live' AND (il.picPosition = '' OR il.picPosition IS NULL OR il.picPosition = 'main') ORDER BY picDisplayOrder ASC) AND i.status = 'live' WHERE (mastersection = 'main' OR mastersection = 'casestudies') AND c.status = 'live' AND parentID = '42' AND ((SELECT m_value FROM tblKinaxiaNewContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Show in service panel') = 'yes') AND startDate <= '5/4/2024' AND (endDate = '01/01/2000' OR endDate >= '5/4/2024') ORDER BY displayOrder ASC

Error Description : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Page of error : /404/index.asp

Query String :
