Refrigerated Transport Services

Fresh Freight has built a well-earned reputation in the refrigerated transport sector for providing a service that delivers.

Our clients range from large manufactures and the major retailers to small independent niche producers. Working to the tightest of time windows we pride ourselves in delivering a service that can be relied on to deliver 24/7 all year round. Utilising a modern fleet we offer full and part load deliveries for both chilled and frozen goods.

We were one of the first transport companies in the country to start offering a refrigerated delivery service, when some 30 years ago we purchased an insulated trailer to transport strawberries from farms in Yorkshire direct to the wholesale markets and we have always been at the forefront of this sector. With constant investment and innovation we continue to develop and expand our service portfolio, with the most recent service enhancement being live temperature tracking.

Our refrigerated services include:

  • 24/7 refrigerated delivery
  • Full or part load deliveries
  • Deliveries of both frozen and chilled goods
  • Large, modern fleet of equipped vehicles
  • Experienced team of drivers


Emergency Refrigeration Services

In addition to our UK and International freight operations, the Fresh Freight Group also offer emergency refrigeration as a rapid response service.

This particular division of the FFG is a natural development of our temperature controlled haulage operations. After numerous case studies we found that due to production issues, delays and unexpected demands, the need to invest in a number of diverse temperature controlled solutions to assist any of our clients challenges.

Our fleet of temperature controlled vans/trailers and refrigeration units offer a complete solution for any rapid response emergency requirement.


Group Services

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Group General Haulage

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Make an enquiry

Get in touch and one of our experts will be glad to assist you as soon as we can.

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